El Sr. Rudolf Kaindl, notario austríaco, es el nuevo presidente de 40.000 notarios de la Unión Europea.

CNUE 2011: Helping to achieve a citizen’s Europe

Helping to achieve a citizen’s Europe by developing the European judicial area is the main objective of the new Austrian presidency of the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) in 2011.

Following a meeting in Vienna on Friday 14 January 2011, Mr Rudolf Kaindl, Austrian notary and new president of the 40 000 notaries in the European Union, explained that the Notaries of Europe intend to bring their experiences to the various areas of work begun by legal Europe. “The authentic instrument is the instrument of the notaries in 21 EU Member States that enables legal exchanges to be made considerably easier at European level. We are working towards a safe and reliable European legal environment at the service of citizens and businesses”, Mr Kaindl declared.

Important responsibilities await the new CNUE president and his team, during his one-year tenure. On the one hand, the European Commission has launched numerous programmes directly concerning the notariats, such as the single market act, the programme for European citizenship and the Stockholm programme. On the other, many ambitious legislative texts are being negotiated: the draft regulation on international successions, the revision of the Brussels I Regulation and European contract law. These are all priorities for the Austrian presidency, to which can be added legislative negotiations on mortgage credit, matrimonial property regimes, discussions on strengthening the fight against money laundering, the development of a European e-Justice portal and many initiatives relating to company law.

Resúmen de la Nota en español.
Ayudar a lograr una Europa de los ciudadanos mediante el desarrollo del espacio judicial europeo es el principal objetivo de la nueva Austria.

La Comisión Europea ha puesto en marcha numerosos programas que afectan directamente a los notarios, como el mercado único, el programa para la ciudadanía europea y el programa de Estocolmo. Por otro lado, muchos proyectos legislativos de gran alcance como: el proyecto de reglamento sobre sucesiones internacionales, la revisión del Reglamento de Bruselas I y Derecho contractual europeo.